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people targets
people targets
People targets

Care and respect in focus

Good and safe working conditions are imperative, both in Greenfood’s organization and in our supply chain. Our goal is to be a responsible partner; by joining forces and working with our suppliers, we can contribute to better working conditions and more satisfied employees at all levels.

Working conditions in our own organization

Target 1: 100 percent signed Greenfood employee Code of Conduct, by 2025. 
Target 2: Achieve a 90 percent response rate to annual employee surveys, by 2025.
Target 3: In annual employee surveys, achieve a green score* in job satisfaction, equal opportunities, and leadership, by 2025. 
Target 4: 40/60 female-male gender distribution 40/60 for employees with personnel responsibility, by 2025. 
Target 5: 40/60 female – male gender distribution in all company management teams, by 2025.
* Above or on par with benchmark, depending on survey provider. Above benchmark in eNPS or certified "Great place to work" are long term target.

Social responsibility in our supply chain

Target 1: 100 percent of suppliers for Greenfood’s own brands to have social certification or be part of approved third-party certification system, by 2025. 
Target 2: 100 percent of purchases to be made from suppliers that have signed the Code of Conduct, by 2025.

the environment and the food?